Volunteering and community service are some of the easiest ways to give back. It is a great way to make new friends and meet new people while achieving a unified goal. There are many different volunteer opportunities in our community and ways in which we can all give back.
American Red Cross | Amanda Hakin at amanda.hakin@redcross.org (360) 227-9554
Alzheimer's Association | Maddy Carr mjcarr@alz.org (425) 230-4668
Boys & Girls Club of the Olympic Peninsula | Unit Director in Sequim (360) 683-8095 or Unit Director in Port Angeles (360) 417-2831
Captain Joseph House Foundation | Betsy Schultz CPTJosephHouse@cijf.org (360) 460-7848
Clallam Mosaic | Lara Radke info@clallammosaic.org (360) 797-3602
Dream Catcher Balloons | Captain Crystal dreamer@nwplace.com (360) 601-2433
Dungeness Courte Memory Care | Sarah Sheets sarahs@dungenesscourte.com (360) 582-9309
Dungeness River Nature Center | Leshell Michaluk-Bergan leshell@dungnessrivercenter.org (360) 681-5638
Feiro Marine Life Center | Tamara Galvan at tamara@feiromarinelifecenter.org (360) 417-6254
First Step Family Support Center | info@firststepfamilysupport.org (360) 457-8355
Friday School Food Bank Project | Jennifer Sperline (360) 565-3703
Habitat for Humanity | info@habitatclallam.org
Integrative Periodontology and Implant Center | Sofia D. Petrov drpetrovs@gmail.com (435) 218-3388
Kiwanis Kids Fest | (360) 452-5437
KSQM Radio 91.4FM | Tama Bankston office@KSQMFM.com (360) 681-0000
KONP Home Show | Kevin Murphy kmurphy@radio-pacific.com (360) 457-1450
North Olympic Library System | volunteer@nols.org (360) 417-8500 x7710
North Olympic Discovery Marathon | Victoria Jones victoria@nodm.com (585) 451-0014
Olympic Medical Center Foundation | Bruce Skinner bruce@omhf.org (360) 417-7144
Olympic Peninsula Humane Society | lyndajo1959@icloud.com (360) 457-8206
Olympic Peninsula Sequim YMCA | Joey Belanger joey@olympicpeninsulaymca.org (360) 477-4381 x360
Peninsula Trails Coalition | Sara Tetreault volunteercoordinator@olympicdisoverytrail.org
Port Angeles Food Bank | Robin Trent (360) 452-8568
Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Information Center | Laken Folsom operations@portangeles.org (360) 452-2364
Port Angeles Senior Center | Carmen Geyer cgeyer@cityofpa.us (360) 457-7004 x4554
Project Homeless Connect | Cora Krueger (360) 452-9011
Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Information Center | Kendall Melton membership@sequimchamber.com (360) 683-6197
Sequim Food Bank | info@sequimfoodbank.org (360) 683-1205
Sequim Lavender Festival | Kelly Iriye directorlavenderfestival@gmail.com
Sequim Museum & Arts | Angel sequimmuseum@olypen.com (360) 681-2257
Serenity House Family Services | (360) 452-7224 x1
Shipley Center (Sequim Senior Center)| Theresa Fox (360) 683-6806
Special Olympics Washington | Alex Rider at arider@sowa.org (425) 281-1769
Tour de Lavender | Sara Tetreault volunteercoordinator@olympicdisoverytrail.org
Volunteer Services | Cari Breese (253) 502-2766 or Intake Scheduling (844) 851-9380
Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County | (360) 452-1511 x4
Clallam County Fair | parks@clallamcountywa.gov (360) 417-2291
United Way of Clallam County | info@unitedwayclallam.org (360) 457-3011